Seasonal cleansing of the body with zeolite

The easiest way to start a seasonal cleansing with zeolite is to make it part of your morning ritual. On an empty stomach take a glass of lukewarm water with lemon and dissolve a teaspoon of micronized powder inside. Fresh fruit juice is also suitable for the purpose. The treatment should last for 40 days for optimum effect.

Zeolites are natural minerals with a unique crystalline structure found in the rock masses. Bulgaria is privileged to possess the world's best-quality and richest in zeolite fields. They are located in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains.

It has been proven that for 40 days the zeolite completely cleanses the body of all the accumulated toxins. This ensures stronger immune system, more tone and energy. Zeolite is a particularly appropriate tool to prepare us to cope with the change of seasons and accompanying influenza viruses.

Different studies on the benefits of zeolite detoxification prove that the mineral:

  • balances the pH in the body and restores the mineral balance
  • adjusts biochemical performance
  • acts as an antioxidant
  • improves liver function
  • has a beneficial effect on the digestive system
  • greatly enhances immunity

The most important function of the mineral, however, is that it completely clears all toxins, free radicals and heavy metals from the body. All of this makes zeolite very suitable for a thorough cleansing of the body.

The strong detoxifying effect of the mineral is due to its negative charge. Because most toxins and all heavy metals are positively charged, they are easily attracted to the negative mineral load. It forms a neutral compound that is easily released into the urine. This is the way the mineral exchange in the body is restored, which in turn acts directly on the immune system by significantly strengthening it. This makes it much more resistant to harmful external influences such as various bacteria, viruses and toxins.

Zeolite clinoptilolite has wide-ranging activity.

By taking the harmful substances out, it cleanses the body and allows it to function optimally. It is not deposited in any way in the body. A powerful immunomodulation tool, clinoptilolite initiates processes for removing unwanted cells and tissues from the body. Including those causing cancer. That's why it's an incredibly good preventative against the deadly disease.

Zeolite also takes alpha and mycotoxins, grabs heavy metals and radioactive elements. Following the Chernobyl accident, zeolite minerals are distributed across the area to absorb radiation. In the body, where radiation amounts are significantly smaller, it can completely filter them.

How to start detoxifying with zeolite?

As a means of alternative medicine, clinoptilolite has a very powerful action when taken internally in the form of a micronized powder.

The easiest way to start a seasonal cleansing with zeolite is to make it part of you morning ritual. On an empty stomach take a glass of lukewarm water with lemon and dissolve a teaspoon of micronized powder inside. Fresh fruit juice is also suitable for the purpose. The treatment should last for 40 days for optimum effect.

In addition, and for an even better result, fine crushed pebbles from the mineral are used to structure the water you drink on a daily basis. The water intake during the program should be about 2 litres per day.

What zeolite to use?

It is important to note that in order to achieve an excellent detoxification of the body, you should only trust high quality micronized zeolite. This means that it is intended solely for human consumption and is 100% natural.