Zeo3act-T Thymus | capsules – x2
Zeo3act-A Aronia | powder – x2
Zeo3act-H Natural Zeolite | powder – x4
Zeo3act-R Skin regeneration | powder – x2
Zeo3act-W Natural Facial Spray – x2
Zeo3act-S Stones – x2
Spirulina – Nigrita – x2
Availability: In stock
Whether you’ve been holiday-ing too hard or just want to make a positive lifestyle change, detoxifying is a simple way to accomplish your goals. Eliminating toxins and heavy metals from your body is key to establishing a healthy approach to life.
Our Intermediate zeolite detox package is suitable for people with some experience in detoxifying but not yet found their formula and approach to successful body cleansing.
Natural Zeolite is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system, potency and endurance, normalizes the mineral exchange in the human body, biochemical blood parameters, regulates the digestion process, absorbs toxins, free radicals and heavy metals from the body, as well as radioactive ones. Delivers all the necessary micro-and macro-nutrients, helps to normalize the exchange processes of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, reduces total cholesterol levels, has anti-anemic properties and slows down the aging process.
What's in the pack?
Zeo3act-T Thymus | capsules – x2
Zeo3act-A Aronia | powder – x2
Zeo3act-H Natural Zeolite | powder – x4
Zeo3act-R Skin regeneration | powder – x2
Zeo3act-W Natural Facial Spray – x2
Zeo3act-S Stones – x2
Spirulina – Nigrita – x2
Benefits of the program:
- Boosts the overall immunity
- Normalizes the pH in the body
- Restores the mineral balance
- Corrects the biochemical performance in the body
- Improves liver function and lowers total cholesterol levels
- Helps losing weight
- Eliminates lactic acid from muscles and improves muscle tone
- Enhances the body's defense against many bacteria and viruses
- Slows the aging process
- Protects cells from oxidative stress
- Normalizes the metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates