Zeo3act-T Thymus | capsules
Zeo3act-A Aronia | powder
Zeo3act-H Natural Zeolite | powder – x2
Zeo3act-R Skin regeneration | powder
Zeo3act-W Natural Facial Spray
Zeo3act-S Stones
Spirulina – Nigrita

Availability: In stock

Product Description

Detoxification, or detox, is the process of eliminating the toxins from your body. In the modern world, food additives, stress, exhaustion, environmental pollution, and more work together to leave our bodies and minds sluggish and unhealthy. Detoxing returns your body to the basics, giving it the opportunity to naturally cleanse itself. Yet figuring out exactly how to detox can be confusing for beginners.

Our Beginners zeolite detox package is a great way to tip your toes into the detox practices and initiate a positive lifestyle’s change.

Natural Zeolite is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system, potency and endurance, normalizes the mineral exchange in the human body, biochemical blood parameters, regulates the digestion process, absorbs toxins, free radicals and heavy metals from the body, as well as radioactive ones. Delivers all the necessary micro-and macro-nutrients, helps to normalize the exchange processes of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, reduces total cholesterol levels, has anti-anemic properties and slows down the aging process.

What's in the pack?

Zeo3act-T Thymus | capsules
Zeo3act-A Aronia | powder
Zeo3act-H Natural Zeolite | powder – x2
Zeo3act-R Skin regeneration | powder
Zeo3act-W Natural Facial Spray
Zeo3act-S Stones
Spirulina – Nigrita

Benefits of the program:

  • Boosts the overall immunity
  • Normalizes the pH in the body
  • Restores the mineral balance
  • Corrects the biochemical performance in the body
  • Improves liver function and lowers total cholesterol levels
  • Helps losing weight  
  • Eliminates lactic acid from muscles and improves muscle tone
  • Enhances the body's defense against many bacteria and viruses
  • Slows the aging process
  • Protects cells from oxidative stress
  • Normalizes the metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates